Tuesday, June 19, 2007
U.S. Army Recognizes Itself
Blow Torch Counter Improvised Explosive Device System, U.S. Army Research Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md. This vehicle-mounted system detonates IEDs at safe stand-off distances, minimizing vehicle damage and Soldier injuries.
"It's fairly easy to operate, and it gives a sense of security to the Soldiers when they're on convoy duty," said Maj. Brian Hackenberg, who helped develop the system.
Integrated Robotic Explosive Detection System, U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Research, Development and Engineering Center, Redstone Arsenal, Ala. Capable of crossing rugged terrain, this remotely operated system incorporates an explosive trace detector onto a robotic platform.
Plastic Shaped Charge Assembly for Remote Destruction of Buried IEDs, U.S. Army Armament Research, Development and Engineering Center, Picatinny Arsenal, N.J. Remotely emplaced, the PSCA destroys known or suspected unexploded ordnance with higher accuracy than similar devices currently in use. Its low-fragmentation plastic housing eliminates collateral damage.
Humvee Crew Extraction D-ring, U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Research, Development and Engineering Center, Redstone Arsenal, Ala. Combat locks on the up-armored Humvee provide security for Soldiers but often get so damaged the doors can't be opened. The D-ring provides solid anchor points for the hooks of a tow strap, chain or cable to pull open damaged doors.
"There was an issue of Soldiers getting trapped inside Humvees that had been damaged for whatever reason ... enemy fire or being flipped. Soldiers had problems getting the doors off these up-armored Humvees so we took their advice and created the D-ring," said Wesley D. Patterson, who is part of a Fast Assistance in Sciences Team that deploys to help Soldiers solve problems that can be resolved within six months.
M1114 Humvee Interim Fragment Kit 5, U.S. Army Research Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md. This kit was fielded as a ballistic improvement for the M1114 Humvee in April 2006. A prototype door solution with fabrication and mounting instructions was provided within one week with automotive testing and safety certification.
Remote Urban Monitoring System, U.S. Army Communications-Electronics Research, Development and Engineering Center, Fort Belvoir, Va. RUMS hardware combines emerging technologies in Wireless Local Area Network technology, night-vision cameras and unattended ground sensors to eliminate false alarms. Tripped sensors transmit an alarm signal to the camera module and operator after video and audio from multiple camera modules confirm the unattended ground sensor's alarm signal.
Constant Hawk, U.S. Army Research Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md. Constant Hawk is a surveillance capability that uses an electro-optic payload to collect intelligence and identify areas that require increased surveillance by other assets.
OmniSense Unattended Ground Sensor System, U.S. Army Research Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md. OmniSense is an unattended ground sensor system used to detect and classify personnel and vehicles in perimeter defense.
EM113A2 Rapid Entry Vehicle, U.S. Army Armament Research, Development and Engineering Center, Picatinny, N.J. The REV provides rapid entry, non-lethal crowd control and rescue-squad insertion capabilities into areas requiring non-lethal intervention. The vehicle increases Soldier survivability through improved situational awareness and the ability to move and fire from within an armored vehicle.
BuckEye System, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, Miss. BuckEye uses a digital camera to produce geospatial information for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance. It also produces high-resolution 3D urban mapping.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
A Dot Calm Era?
Why Estonia Matters
On a state level, these types of virtual disruptions are certainly worth keeping track.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Add Another Continent to the Network
"The Horn of Africa was supposed to be Washington's bureaucratic mea culpa for the Green Zone, a proving ground for the next generation of interagency cooperation that fuels America's eventual victory in what Abizaid once dubbed the "long war" against radical Islam. But as its first great test in Somalia demonstrated, the three D's are still a long way from being synchronized, and as the Pentagon sets up its new Africa Command in the summer of 2008, the time for sloppy off-Broadway tryouts is running out. Eventually, Al Qaeda's penetration of Muslim Africa will happen -- witness the stunning recent appearance of suicide bombers in Casablanca -- and either the three D's will answer this challenge, or this road show will close faster than you can say "Black Hawk down."'
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Goure's Got it Right
Pentagon Hones Its Procurement Strategy
"Call it net-centricity with a purpose. As the Pentagon and U.S. military services build their networks of networks, they are looking especially for gear that can filter the rivers of sensor data, then share the gleanings easily among the services.
“We are no longer investing in networking simply for the sake of increasing communication and dumping information. We are now investing into networks for a purpose, networks driven by strategy,” said Daniel Gouré, vice president of the Lexington Institute.
And neither is the military interested in raw information; there’s too much of it already, thanks largely to the enormous amount of electronic intelligence-gathering systems. Instead, troops and their leaders need tactically or strategically relevant information, Gouré said.
“The interesting question is an operational one. What is your conception of what net-centric is about? It is not simply about sharing information,” Gouré said. "
Two from BBC
The Net and Your Future Employment
Harvard Business Review wants to know what happens when a job candidate is Googled and the search results find some interesting information.
Read the case study here and feel free to send in your thoughts.
Glut-ton for Punishment
For $33 this report is all yours. Although this report summary reminds me a bit of Jared Diamond's series of books that tie together cultural and historical events to support modern trends. Who knew history was so net-centric?
"What do primordial bacteria, medieval alchemists, and the World Wide Web have to do with each other? This fascinating exploration of how information systems emerge takes readers on a provocative journey through the history of the information age.
Today's "information explosion" may seem like an acutely modern phenomenon, but we are not the first generation nor even the first species to wrestle with the problem of information overload. Long before the advent of computers, human beings were collecting, storing, and organizing information: from Ice Age taxonomies to Sumerian archives, Greek libraries to Dark Age monasteries.
Today, we stand at a precipice, as our old systems struggle to cope with what designer Richard Saul Wurman called a "tsunami of data." With some historical perspective, however, we can begin to understand our predicament not just as the result of technological change, but as the latest chapter in an ancient story that we are only beginning to understand.
Spanning disciplines from evolutionary theory and cultural anthropology to the history of books, libraries, and computer science, writer and information architect Alex Wright weaves an intriguing narrative that connects such seemingly far-flung topics as insect colonies, Stone Age jewelry, medieval monasteries, Renaissance encyclopedias, early computer networks, and the World Wide Web. Finally, he pulls these threads together to reach a surprising conclusion, suggesting that the future of the information age may lie deep in our cultural past."
If You Network It, They Will Come
The lesson is that in order for these cities to once again achieve economic prosperity, they have to connect to the wider globalization economic trends.
“A dynamic economic moment is also now underway, a result of a fundamental restructuring of the global economy:
• Globalization has accelerated the shift of our economy from the production of commodities, to the design, marketing, and delivery of goods, services, and ideas. Services employment grew by 214 percent from 1970 to 2000 as manufacturing declined, and now represents 32 percent of all jobs in the country.
• The shift to a knowledge and innovation economy demands greater numbers of highly educated, highly skilled workers—now the single biggest driver of economic growth across metropolitan areas.
• The role and function of universities, colleges, medical research institutions, and other institutions of higher learning in economic development and community revitalization is growing and changing.
• The growth of the knowledge economy is altering the value and function of density and proximity, which is widely held to help accelerate the transfer of knowledge and ideas between people and firms.
While globalization and technological change have undoubtedly contributed to the decline of those cities reliant on “old economy” industries, moving forward, they also have the potential to give them back their competitive edge.”
Upcoming Event: NGDC Conference
August 6-9, 2007
San Fransisco, California
A copy of the brochure can be found here.
Sunday, June 3, 2007
Network Comms - Background
"The military has recognized the robustness of network coding and is now funding research into its use in mobile ad hoc networks, which can form on the fly. Such networks are valuable in highly changeable environments, such as on the battlefield, where reliable communications are essential and establishing and maintaining an infrastructure of fiber-optic cables or cell towers is difficult. In an ad hoc network, every soldier's radio becomes a node in a communications system, and each node seeks out and establishes connections to neighboring nodes; together these connections establish a network's links. Every node can both send and receive messages and serve as an intermediary to pass along messages intended for other receivers. This technique extends communications capabilities far beyond the transmission range of a single node. It also allows enormous flexibility, because the network travels with the users, constantly reconfiguring and reestablishing connections as needed.
Upcoming Event: Operations Research
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
My Unmanned System is Better than Your Unmanned System
See the following post from DefenseTech.org on the future of unmanned aerial combat. Just goes to how many companies out there are experimenting with vehicles of all sorts of shapes and sizes.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
In Other Words
And I thought hybrids were a good thing.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Much Ado About China
This sentence pretty much sums up relations:
“Suffice it to say we had a healthy exchange of views.”
Here's to yet another round of talks that will result in, well, another round of talks.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Can you hear me now?
Surprised? Didn't think so.
See the Defense Science Board studies from April 2007:
Information Management for Net-Centric Operations Volume I
Information Management for Net-Centric Operations Volume II
Monday, May 21, 2007
Is it hot in here? Or is it just me?
See No Evil, in E-Form
From the BBC:
The study of thousands of websites across 120 Internet Service Providers found 25 of 41 countries surveyed showed evidence of content filtering.
Counting Greys
While attracting talent is important, there is very little discussion on how to keep these young folks in the business. This is becoming increasingly important as advanced technology is no longer a niche defense capability. The next 5-10 years may see higher rotations, particularly amongst engineers, migrating to competing industries such as IT and software engineering.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
A Lot of Lute
The Bush Administration has picked their ‘war czar’ for the war in
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Networks in the News
Networks – Breakthroughs
Networks – Lifestyle
Networks – Technology
Networks – Community
(Excellent post on The Long Tail blog to this Forbes series here.)
Also see the new publication from Dr. David Alberts and Dr. Richard Hayes on planning complex endeavors.
And while you’re in a net-centric place, take a look at the inaugural issue of the International C2 Journal.
Friday, May 4, 2007
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Snapshot: China
A few links on thoughts regarding
Sunday, April 29, 2007
The World is Argumentative
If there were a national security version of MTV’s Celebrity Deathmatch, I’d like to nominate these two:
Thomas Friedman
Friedman begins:
World Views in Multiplicity
One of the things that keep us up at night is figuring out how to organize and develop a means to talk about national security as change.
We figured the first step is what some people call brainstorming. We call it Google.
21 Solutions to Save the World – Foreign Policy
10 Emerging Technologies of 2007 – MIT Technology Review
Annual EIU Report on E-Readiness - EIU Highlights via BBC
Lessons of the Last Bubble – strategy+business
Friday, April 27, 2007
How Graphic of You
I was forwarded this cartoon from David Axe’s website. He’s a journalist who’s also written a book or two.
Don’t get me wrong. I think there is great value in providing this level of media transparency in conflicts.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Business and Transformation
Change is a funny word in business. It’s good, it’s edgy, it’s hip. It makes me want to buy suit shirts in colors other than white or light blue. OK, not really. I guess I’m not that transformational.
The folks at McKinsey published an article in February 2007 about a CEO’s responsibility to change in his or her company. Does this apply to the defense and aerospace industries?
- Making the transformation meaningful. People will go to extraordinary lengths for causes they believe in, and a powerful transformation story will create and reinforce their commitment. The ultimate impact of the story depends on the CEO’s willingness to make the transformation personal, to engage others openly, and to spotlight successes as they emerge.
- Role-modeling desired mind-sets and behavior. Successful CEOs typically embark on their own personal transformation journey. Their actions encourage employees to support and practice the new types of behavior.
- Building a strong and committed top team. To harness the transformative power of the top team, CEOs must make tough decisions about who has the ability and motivation to make the journey.
- Relentlessly pursuing impact. There is no substitute for CEOs rolling up their sleeves and getting personally involved when significant financial and symbolic value is at stake.
These rules are as much relevant to my business as any other. Excellent article (registration is free).
-MikeThis Day in History - April 26th

Today marks the 70th anniversary of the bombing of Guernica during the Spanish Civil War. This day's events inspired Picasso's piece called, well, Guernica.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Shocks Are Trendy
Many on board the transformation bandwagon were ideologically concerned after the death of Art Cebrowski. Who would carry the torch of transformation as culture? Who would remind the national security community that transformation is about how to think?
The latest effort by the Office of Force Transformation is called “Shocks and Trends.” Similar to the systems perturbations model, “shocks and trends” would widen the scope of examining change. This would include anticipating and responding to the effects whether or not direct military support is required.
Will “shocks and trends” be another engine to crank out case studies that prove net-centricity is good? Can OFT extend its transformational ideology to talk about tradition non-military subjects? I am interested to see what issue they tackle first.
From Russia With Love
-Oil/Gas/Natural Resources are in ample supply
-Energies markets actually putting rubles in pockets
-With rubles in pockets, time to go to Starbucks
-Say what you will about Putin, but at least
-Who knew
Thanks to the scholars at Wharton for pulling together these articles.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
The Role of Navies Questioned, Sort Of
George Friedman, founder and chairman of geopolitical analysis engine Stratfor, recently wrote an article entitled “The Limitations and Necessity of Naval Power.” In it, he explains a bit of the obvious that current operations are soaking up resources towards land based operations. So what is the current and future role of a nation’s navy?
He uses an example of a naval blockade against
2. Blockades always involve the interdiction of vessels operated by third countries -- countries that might not appreciate being interdicted. The potential repercussions of interdicting merchant vessels belonging to powers that did not accept the blockade was a price the
He goes on to explain the arguments for reducing a naval force structure saying that the tactical response of navies remains a reality mainly in the littorals. But eventually he goes on to say that navies are strategic and therefore are needed to keep the sea lanes open.
Is this a flaw in naval strategic thinking? Is it good enough to suggest continued naval force structure enhancements because of threats down the road? What Friedman fails to do is answer the funding question. Geopoliticians very rarely talk money, but conceptualizing world order steadfastly remains a fantasy without addressing the budget question.
He concludes:
“Whatever happens in
One of the dangers of wars like those in
Monday, April 23, 2007
Upcoming Events
The 9/11 Legislation and Private Sector
Sponsored by CSIS
April 24, 2007
Location: Capitol Hilton
Sponsored by AEI
April 24, 2007
Location: AEI
Sponsored by the Heritage Foundation
May 1, 2007
Location: Heritage Foundation
May 2, 2007
Sponsored by AEI
May 14, 2007
Location: AEI
What's the Frequency, Kenneth?
I was at a wedding this past weekend and had some pretty interesting observations. First, a swing band should never attempt to play modern pop music. Ever.
But more importantly, I made note of how contemporary culture has had some net-centric elements before we even coined the phrase. On the plane ride back to-Ace
Most Net-Centric Songs
Don’t Fear the Reaper, Blue Oyster Cult
Dude (Looks Like a Lady), Aerosmith
I Can See for Miles, The Who
King of the Road, Roger Miller
Knowing Me, Knowing You, ABBA
Private Eyes, Hall & Oates
RADAR Love, Golden Earring
Ray of Light, Madonna
Suddenly I See, K.T. Tunstall
Walk This Way, Aerosmith/Run-D.M.C version, of course
We Are All Made of Stars, Moby
What’s the Frequency, Kenneth?, R.E.M
Whenever, Wherever, Shakira
Wind of Change, Scorpions
With a Little Help from My Friends, Joe Cocker
Least Net-Centric Songs
Another Brick in the Wall, Pink Floyd
Another One Bites the Dust, Queen
Go Your Own Way, Fleetwood Mac
Hung Up, Madonna
I Heard it Through the Grapevine, CCR
I Ran (So Far Away), A Flock of Seagulls
I Take My Chances, Mary Chapin Carpenter
I Wanna Be Sedated, The Ramones
Is There Anybody Out There?, Pink Floyd
Message in a Bottle, The Police
Should I Stay or Should I Go, The Clash
Sledgehammer, Peter Gabriel
Take This Job and Shove It, David Allan Coe
Thursday, April 19, 2007
More Net-Centricity, Please!
One of transformation’s founding fathers, retired Vice Admiral Art Cebrowski, used to end many of his PowerPoint presentations with a cartoon. It showed a soldier finding cover under a barrage a bullets talking on a cellphone. The cartoon bubbled said something to the effect of “With all due respect Sir, I need a little less net-centricity and more bullets!”
Clever take on the cellphone. Evidently you can get a signal anywhere in a net-centric world. Thank you, critical nodes.
Cmdr. Greg Glaros USN (ret.), who used to work in Cebrowski’s Office of Force Transformation, contends that land vehicles need to be more net-centric to get information about those bullets before they are overhead. Although Glaros says the technology is out there, he fails to name names or provide a solution to fix the acquisition noose that stifles quick fielding.
It is an operational desire to prevent the cartoon situation above. But can we talk price here? The tech is out there. We’ve got the platforms to put them on. Will Glaros’ next article talk about cost-overruns on netted systems? Being more net-centric may mean more lives saved and shorter engagements, but how much more will it cost?
To read the article, please click here.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Heck No, We Won’t Go?
Interesting piece in this month’s Atlantic Monthly.
He writes, “It heralds the appearance of something new to the American political landscape: a soldiers’ lobby. In formulating their appeal, men and women in
“The creation of the all-volunteer force had a second consequence. Military service, once viewed (at least nominally) as a civic obligation, has become a matter of choice. As a result, the burden of “defending our freedom” no longer falls evenly across society. Those choosing to serve do not represent a cross section of
To assuage uneasy consciences, the many who do not serve proclaim their high regard for the few who do. This has vaulted
He concludes:
“[E]mpowering groups of soldiers to join in the debate over contentious issues is short-sighted and dangerous. Implicit in the appeal is the suggestion that national-security policies somehow require the consent of those in uniform. Lately, media outlets have reinforced this notion, reporting as newsworthy the results of polls that asked soldiers whether administration plans meet with their approval.”
I am not so concerned about the folks who agree or disagree with the current operations in
The full (subscription) article can be found here:
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
How We Got the Idea
A senior OSD official, a defense industry executive and a local think tank resident scholar walked into the elevator. They all knew of each other. The scholar began to decompress. "If I have to listen to one more panel session talk around the issues, I think I'm going scream."
They walked out on the same parking deck floor (of course) and began to talk. The scholar complained of the lack of historical evidence to support most theories and implications. The senior OSD official wanted information that he could work with and not just data gleaned off of today's newspapers. The industry official thought his job was the most difficult. How does an executive grow his business, please shareholders and provide the warfighter the most effective, least expensive capabilities with which to win?
So here we have a forum by which the three of us have decided to talk, share information, and hopefully receive a little bit of insight. We have decided to keep our cyberspace identities as generic as possible. It's not about us, it's about the ideas.
Ace: He's our former fighter pilot turned civilian government leader. His educational background is in the mathematics and engineering. He uses any excuse to reference the Navy, though his knowledge of the Army and Air Force is unmatched. Don't ask about the Marines. He's afraid of them.
Mike: He's our senior industry executive. For a retired Air Force colonel, he knows how the defense industry works. He holds an MBA from one of those expensive schools, though we don't hold it against him.
Bill: He thinks he knows more than anyone else even though he's never been in uniform and can't get enough of JAG reruns. He holds two master's degrees in history and a PhD. He writes articles and essays like they're going out of style. And speaking of style, his ties never match his suits.
We looking forward to sharing our thoughts with you on this dynamic means of communication. And we look forward to your ideas as well. Because in the end, aren't we all net-centric?